Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Man, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s.  Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter.  Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s.  What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter?

One moment in the chapter when they showed racism was on pg. 68 when Lennie comes in the room and Crooks starts ranting about how he's not wanted in the bunkhouse because he is black so Lennie can't come in either. Crooks acts like he's tough and that he doesn't need any company be he's actually really lonely all by himself.

Another racist moment in the chapter is on pg. 70 when Crooks is remembering his childhood, when he used to play with white kids on his dad's farm. He said some of them were nice meaning that he probably expected them to be mean. His dad didn't like it because they would probably grow up and treat him a lot differently.

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